The Unexpected Ways of Christ

The Unexpected Ways of Christ

Monday April 11, 2022

Christ comes in ways as unexpected as riding a lowly donkey and the way to not miss out on seeing Him is to keep looking for Him in the ways you’d least expect Him. @annvoskamp

So absolutely true.

As Bishop Fulton Sheen wrote: Divinity is always where one least expects to find it.

Not in a popular Bethlehem inn, but in a dirty stable - not in a four-poster canopy bed, but in a simple manger - not dying of old age and being honored with a highly dignified state funeral, but crucified as a criminal on a cross. But there, where we wouldn’t normally look and see, there we most often find Divinity, we find Jesus the Christ. 

So… Where can we look for Him, and find Him, today in our own lives?