Obedience - Part 3

Obedience - Part 3

And it’s not about success either, at least not how the world defines success -

even though we believe that, if we are doing what is correct, triumph and fortune will automatically follow. 


Again, it’s about obedience. 


If we only view success as the world views it, that is in terms of money and reputation and earthly promotion,

we will only work towards those goals -

and we will be sorely disappointed when those facets of worldly success do not necessarily follow our obedience. 


When God calls you to something, He is not always calling you to succeed, He's calling you to obey!

The success of the calling is up to Him; the obedience is up to you.

~David Wilkerson


Although, of course, if we obey God we will always succeed in His eyes -

because success in God’s eyes is simply our seeking to desire and to accomplish His will in our lives,

our longing to be like His Son Jesus Christ in all we say and do.

This is being successful as far as God is concerned.

This is what pleases and honors Him.

This is the definition of success in His eyes. 


Then Jesus explained: My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work. 

~John 4:34