LENT 2024: Day 10 - LIFE OF CHRIST

LENT 2024: Day 10 - LIFE OF CHRIST

LENT 2024: DAY 10 - Saturday February 24


“It was the month of Nisan. The Book of Exodus ordered that in this month the Paschal Lamb was to be selected, and four days later was to be taken to the place where it was to be sacrificed. On Palm Sunday, the Lamb was chosen by popular acclaim in Jerusalem; on good Friday he was sacrificed.


His last Sabbath Our Lord spent in Bethany with Lazarus and his sisters. News was now circulated that Our Lord was coming into Jerusalem. In preparation for his entrance, he sent two of His disciples into the village, where they were told they would find a colt tethered, on which no man had ridden. There were to untie it and bring it to Him. “And if anybody asks you, Why are you untying it?, this must be your answer, The Lord hath need of it.” (Luke 19:31)


Perhaps no greater paradox was ever written than this – on the one hand the sovereignty of the Lord, and on the other His “need”. This combination of Divinity and dependence, of possession and poverty was the consequence of the Word becoming flesh. Truly, He who was rich became poor for our sakes, that we might be rich.


As He approached the city, a “great multitude” came to meet Him; among them were not only the citizens but also those who had come up for the feast and, of course, the Pharisees. The Roman authorities also were on the alert during great feasts lest there be an insurrection. On all previous occasions, Our Lord rejected the false enthusiasm of the people, fled the spotlight of publicity, and avoided anything that savored of display… Before, He dampened all their enthusiasms; now He kindles them. Why?


Because His “Hour” had come. It was time now for Him to make the last public affirmation of his claims. He knew it would lead to Calvary, and His Ascension and establishment of His Kingdom on earth. Once He acknowledged their praise, then there were only two courses open to the city: confess Him as did Peter, or else crucify. Either He was their King, or else they would have no king but Caesar.


He drew attention to His Kingship in two ways, first by the fulfillment of a prophecy familiar to the people, and second by the tributes of Divinity which He accepted as His own.


Matthew explicitly states that the solemn procession was to fulfill the prophecy made by Zacharias year before: “Tell the daughter of Sion, Behold Thy King is coming to Thee, humbly riding on an ass.” (Matthew 21:5) The prophecy came from God through a prophet, and now God Himself was bringing it to fulfillment. The prophecy of Zacharias was meant to contrast the majesty and the humility of the Savior… Here is One Who comes triumphant upon an ass… The circumstance He chose validated His claim that His Kingdom was not of this world.


The acclaim of the people was another acknowledgment of His Divinity. Many took off their garments and spread them before Him; others cut down boughs from the olive trees and palm branches and strewed them on the way… Here the palms, so often used throughout their history to signify victory… witnessed to His victory – even before He was momentarily vanquished. Then taking verses from the great Hillel which referred to the Messias, the multitudes followed Him shouting, “Blessed is the King Who comes in the name of the Lord.” (Luke 19:38) “Hosanna for the Son of David; hosanna in heaven above.” (Matthew 21:9) He was the promised Prince of David’s line; the One Who came with a Divine Mission. Hosanna, which was originally a prayer, was now a triumphant welcome to a Savior King. Not wholly understanding why He was sent, nor the kind of peace He would bring, they nevertheless confessed that He was Divine.


The entry has been called triumphant; but well He knew that “Hosannas” would change to “Crucify”, and palms would be turned into spears… The throne to which He was hailed was a Cross, and His real coronation would be a Crucifixion… Though He was a King, and though they now admitted Him as their King and Lord, He knew the King’s welcome which awaited Him was to be Calvary.”



(Chapter 33, pgs. 556-557, 560-564)