On The Way: Being On The Way With Jesus - Day 15 with Ann Voskamp

On The Way: Being On The Way With Jesus - Day 15 with Ann Voskamp

Jesus once proclaimed to His disciples: “I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.” ~John 14:6

So, the only way forward in this life is JESUS, the Way Himself. 


DAY 15: You know you are on the way when you trust the only way all our waves can be divided is if we give God our undivided attention. 


Let stillness first grow next into attentiveness: you always have to first locate your soul, so you know where you are in relation to God, if you are to have relationship with God. 


What is happening in your soul? What are you paying attention to? Devotion grows wherever our attention is. 


It’s as natural as needing to breathe, this need to be attended to. We all long to be seen, to be known, to be paid attention to. The attention of and the attention to this world comes with a very steep price: the cost of our own souls. The things of this world do not live up to any of our expectations. 


We find in our attending to God, we are attended to. Everything can be attended to after we give attention to the One who so tenderly attends to us. His attention is not divided, not pulled into many directions - like ours. His attention is fixed fully on you. The only way our seas can be divided is if we give God our undivided attention.