LENT 2024: DAY 1 - Wednesday February 14


Today, Wednesday February 14, is the first day of LENT of this year 2024.


During this season in Reflections For Living, for the first time or once again, I invite you to reflect together with me about the LIFE OF CHRIST:

- the life of Christ as we can get to know it and understand it through the Gospels and through the Epistles of the New Testament

- and the LIFE OF CHRIST, a book written by Archbishop Fulton Sheen, deceased in 1954, a book that is still just as timely and relevant today as it was when it was originally penned


The Venerable Fulton John Sheen (1895–1979) was an American bishop (later archbishop) of the Catholic Church known for his preaching, his teaching of theology and philosophy, and especially his work on radio and television. For 20 years Sheen hosted the night-time radio program The Catholic Hour (1930–1950) before moving to television and presenting Life Is Worth Living (1951–1957). Sheen's final presenting role was on The Fulton Sheen Program (1961–1968). For this work, Sheen twice won an Emmy Award for Most Outstanding Television Personality, and was featured on the cover of Time Magazine.


I encourage you to check into R4L everyday from now until Resurrection Sunday. Because everyday I will post a quote from LIFE OF CHRIST – a quote that will surely point us to Jesus, His cross, His empty tomb and the salvation that He worked for us so many years ago now. This year, R4L’s Lenten reflections are not mine, but Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s – who wrote profoundly and poetically about what meant most to him in this life: “Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2). The readings are not light – they are deep and they are dense. But I assure you that they are so very worth our time, our consideration and our meditation.


In Fulton Sheen’s own words in the Preface to his book: “The LIFE OF CHRIST has been many years in writing. But the deeper understanding of the unity of Christ and His Cross came when Christ kept the author very close to His Cross in dark and painful hours. Learning comes from books; penetration of a mystery from suffering. It is hoped that sweet intimacy with the Crucified Christ, which trial brought, will break through these pages, giving to the reader that peace which God alone can bring to souls and enlightening them to see that every sorrow is really the “Shade of His Hand outstretched caressingly.” (p.24)