Proverbs 16:2

Proverbs 16:2

I'm reading through the PROVERBS of the Bible these days - and I've reached Chapter 16, the beginning of a section titled Proverbs About Life and Conduct.

It is fascinating to read and reflect on this book, really. Here in these words, I am rediscovering, one after another, short life phrases full of deep meaning and truth.

Do you dare to read and reflect with me for a while?


"All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes,
    but the Lord weighs the spirit." (ESV)

"All a person’s ways seem pure to them,
    but motives are weighed by the Lord." (NIV)

"All the ways of people are pure in their eyes,
    but the Lord tests the motives." (CEB)

These words are so true. 

One always believes that what one thinks and feels, says and does is the best: that the paths one chooses are the cleanest and most blameless - that one's conduct is correct - that one's conduct is good and just. In our own opinion and our own opinion, we always speak and act as we should.

But it is God who looks and sees beyond what we even dare to look and see: He weighs the spirits - He judges the motives - He qualifies the intentions. Everything that is in the depths of our inner being, He observes and reviews it. Nothing escapes Him.

The psalmist David said it sincerely and boldly in Psalm 139:

"Search me, O God, and search my heart;
    Test me and probe my thoughts.
See if I'm going down the wrong path,
    and guide me along the eternal path."

(vs. 23-24)

David understood how deceitful the mind and heart of man are. He knew that the human being alone always thinks he is speaking and acting correctly, even when he is not. Therefore, he invited God to examine him and scrutinize him, probe him and test him - so that He could see if he was going well or badly, and so that He could guide him along the right and eternal path. 

Do we dare to say the same as the psalmist David? Do we want to receive the qualification of our intentions and the judgment of our motives from a God who sees all, hears all, understands all, weighs all? Are we willing to let God probe our hearts and thoughts, show us where we are wrong, and guide us to walk right before Him? I hope so.