On The Way: Being On The Way With Jesus - Day 2 with Ann Voskamp

On The Way: Being On The Way With Jesus - Day 2 with Ann Voskamp

Jesus once proclaimed to His disciples: “I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.” ~John 14:6

So, the only way forward in this life is JESUS, the Way Himself. 


DAY 2: You know you are on the way when you accept there is no way to God except through Gethsemanes, where you say: Not my way be done, but only, always, Your way. 


In Christ we can always be moving forward along and on the way, even through the valleys of shadows, even through dry deserts. 

All roads lead through Gethsemane - where we need to surrender our will and our way, pray only His will and His way… Surrender to roads through Gethsemane. But too, surrender to ways beyond yours. Surrender to not knowing everything. Surrender to possibility. Surrender to unknown vistas and all kinds of ways opening up in unimaginable ways. Surrender to miracle. Surrender to Jesus, the only One who has ever loved you to death, and back to the realest life. 

Love Himself always finds His way to you.