On The Way: Being On The Way With Jesus - Day 23 with Ann Voskamp

On The Way: Being On The Way With Jesus - Day 23 with Ann Voskamp

Jesus once proclaimed to His disciples: “I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.” ~John 14:6

So, the only way forward in this life is JESUS, the Way Himself. 


DAY 23: Today you are on the way when you let yourself open up to live cruciform and you let go - and simply let God come love you with His open, cruciform arms of Love. 


You are see today - by the One who never once takes His eyes off you... Whatever feels broken today, know Jesus' eyes and heart are fixed on you right now, his eyes hold yours, His arms carry you, His love has you. 


Cruciform is the form of surrender - and as you let yourself be formed cruciform, you let go of all that has been formed against. you.

Nothing formed against you can stand when you live like Jesus, cruciform...

Open up your arms, and heart, and mind into the posture of surrender - and let go.

Let go of any anxiousness about the unknown, about the future, about tomorrow.

Let go of your over-productivity, the over-activity, the over-whelm.

Let go of the failures, and flailing, and fear of the future. 

Let go of the performance and the perfectionism and the pressure to impress. 

Let go of the worry and hurry, and the unhealthy addictions to needing approval. 

Let go of the heavy and hard - and all the hopes that hurt. 

Let go of all of the "what ifs" - and let the love of Jesus meet you right now with the assurance that you are always safe and held even "if"...


Jesus' posture of cruciformity is His receptivity to take everything that you are letting go of. 

Let Jesus, King Jesus, with His open arms, take it all. 

And as you open up your arms, and let it all go, to let Jesus take it all, to carry it all for you, let Jesus' open arms take you. 

Let Jesus' open arms hold you. 

Let Jesus' love carry you through. 


Simply let God lead you on, let God love you now, let God make the way...

Let God's way be your way.


The very act of being a follower of Jesus is to be a surrender-er. 

You can't keep following Him if you don't actually let go of where you are right now. 


What is King Jesus calling you to let go of today?

Let go, and let Him love you any way He wants to love you.

He is working His love into every single part of your story -

because LOVE is who He is.