On The Way: Being On The Way With Jesus - Day 8 with Ann Voskamp

On The Way: Being On The Way With Jesus - Day 8 with Ann Voskamp

Jesus once proclaimed to His disciples: “I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.” ~John 14:6

So, the only way forward in this life is JESUS, the Way Himself. 


DAY 8: You know you are on the way, the SACRED way, when you know that to learn the language of the God who speaks in whispers, you have to learn how to be soul-still. 


The way our days take becomes the way we are. 

No stillness - no God - [and no knowing God]. Know stillness - and know God. 

Our battle is to keep still, while God does [fights] the battle.

What are you willing to withdraw from to be still - and draw close to God?

Be soul-still. Gaze on God. Simply trust that God will make the way through the day’s waves… [through] the roar of your interior storm. 

1 Kings 19:12 tells us that the Lord was not in the great and powerful wind, not in the earthquake, and not in the fire. He came and spoke to Elijah in a gentle whisper.